Sos Musical
Our Passionate Goal
Dedicate to good parents.
This page is dedicated to good parenting’s and tips to make us better parents.
Our musical storytelling program has been positive for childhood mental health. Our Musical storytelling helps children enjoy childhood, while also learning a lot of things that are good for mental health. Learning activity skills and how to clean up after yourself are excellent elements of childhood self-confidence.
Our Musical storytelling /Games help in character development activities such as meeting new people, welcoming new people, overcoming challenges, dealing with the adversity of not getting what you want all the time, being brave (in a safe setting), embracing high standards of conduct, and learning the joys of self-reliance. Our program SOS-musical emphasizes mental toughness and grit.
Music Lessons with Sos Musical series
Sos Musical Series At School.
Virtual Music
Bring people together with these awesome games to play with friends, family or your streaming community.
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Every parent wants their kid to be successful. We want them to feel joy and fulfillment, and often, we have ideas about how our children’s futures need to look in order to achieve the kind of happiness we want for them. If only they go to this school, follow this career path, join this club, read these books…then they will be set for life. We will have succeeded, we tell ourselves, because they have succeeded (even if it’s only or mostly by our standards).
In reality, our kids will likely find fulfillment in unexpected places—unexpected to us, anyway. Their view of success may differ drastically from ours. Alternatively, if our kids follow the exact path we carved for them in our own minds, even if they appear successful in the way we’ve defined it for them, they may not feel any sense of fulfillment. In fact, they could be downright miserable.
When we begin walking down the complex path to success with our kids, we must as parents keep in mind that we’re walking down their path—not ours. We’re there to support and to encourage them, not to live our dreams through them. Our job as parents is to help our kids become the best versions of themselves, whoever that person ends up becoming, by doing the things that only we can do.
Sos Musical Band

Mary Warnement
Head of Readers Services
Boston Athenaeum

Maria Daniels
Harvard University
Senior Director, Communications

Meli Solomon
Founder Talking With GOD Project Podcaster, Living Our Beliefs

Dani Crickman